The Camera Club of the Philippines is an association of photography enthusiasts. Our members come from varying backgrounds, ages, levels and walks of life. Two bonds bind us together: friendship and a love for photography.

The club is unique in that it is the oldest continuing photographic society in the country. Founded in 1928, it has preserved an unbroken organized existence for 92 years until today, except for a brief period in 1942-1946, during World War II and the Japanese occupation.

The inauguration of the club took place officially on August 19, 1928, in the office of one of the eight founders at Plaza Goiti in Manila. Photo excursions, photo sessions, competitions and fellowship activities – these are the main elements characterizing club activities from the very beginning.

The same activities are done to this very day. We meet every first Monday of the month and, aside from camaraderie, our monthly competition is one of the most prominent highlight of the meetings.

Regular Members

Lifetime Members

Honorary Members

Members On Leave